
Message From The Desk Of Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Future Students,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I welcome you to Balmiki International School, where we embark on a journey of holistic education, nurturing young minds to soar high with both roots and wings.

At Balmiki International School, our vision is clear: to provide education that prepares and motivates our students for the rapidly changing world. We understand that the world our students will step into is dynamic and interconnected, and thus, it is imperative that they not only possess academic prowess but also a global perspective and a deep respect for core values and traditions.

Our motto, 'roots and wings', encapsulates the essence of our educational philosophy. We believe in grounding our students firmly in their roots, providing them with a strong foundation built on knowledge, ethics, and cultural understanding. Simultaneously, we strive to equip them with wings, empowering them with the skills, creativity, and confidence to soar to new heights, explore new horizons, and face the challenges of an ever-evolving global landscape. One would hear students merrily conversing in English or any other global language in the classrooms and hallways of Balmiki with the same interest and enthusiasm for the much-hallowed Sanskrit and local languages from Sudurpaschim.

However, the realization of this vision and the materialization of our motto require a collaborative effort between the school and parents. As partners in the educational journey of our students, it is essential that we work hand in hand to ensure their holistic development.

Parents, you are your child's first and most influential teachers. Your involvement in their education, both at home and within the school community, plays a pivotal role in shaping their attitudes, values, and aspirations. We encourage open communication, active participation, and constructive feedback from parents, recognizing the invaluable insights and support you provide.

Together, we can create a nurturing environment where each child feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential. Our dedicated faculty members are committed to fostering not only academic excellence but also the development of critical thinking, creativity, resilience, and empathy. Through a diverse range of curricular and extracurricular activities, we aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and compassion.

As you consider Balmiki International School for your child's education, I encourage you to explore all that we have to offer. Our dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and enriching learning environment are all geared toward ensuring that your child receives the best possible education. Together, let us embark on this journey of discovery, growth, and transformation, as we work towards shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping the future of your child. Together, let us lay the foundation for their success, happiness, and achievement. 

Dronashish Neupane


Message From The Desk Of Chairperson

Balmiki International School will always be committed to moulding a bright future and inculcating and civilized citizens.

The slogan that the Far West is an idyllic land is almost now established. Despite being perfect in both nature and culture, we are still struggling in terms of development and social transformation compared to other regions of Nepal. Our group perceived the circumstances. whether it is an opportunity to get quality education conveniently at the local level or the resourceful and competent people who are forced to flee with their children in search of quality education as a significant deterrent to development and prosperity in the Far West region.

Mr. Dinesh Raj Bhandari
